Posted By Charles Cochran – 5/27/2009 3:44pm
Another day of trading another big day down. The sellers own the market and Treasury auctions accelerate the selling. Much easier to raise money with higher interest rates. We are getting them these days. Last week’s article that the

F1 Comments: The selling accelerated again today as the market moved lower through the LT Distribution. The market remains in a downtrend and will until the government quits borrowing or the recession news remerges in the headlines.

F2 Comments: The analysis was to sell 118-15/19. The day session high was 118-175. The market idled into the 5Y auction hitting 118-15 at auction time. The auction was sold and the market broke hitting 115-25 after the day session’s close. If we hit 115-18, the market will be 3 points below today’s auction. Sell rallies. Tomorrow’s news is likely to be ignored shortly after the 0830/1000 EDT news. The Dealers should try to support the auction sometime tomorrow. So while we want to get short for the first trade tomorrow and see if we can extend the range lower, if the market doesn’t break, we can trade form the long side. Given the crash after the day session’s close, the sell zone has moved lower. The sell band is 115-07/15 with a cover, if 115-25 holds.

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